There are likely some California residents who are interested in the status of refuges who recently entered the U.S. seeking asylum. As of July 14, there were more than 2,170 of these immigrant refuges now possessing asylum claims that are valid according to officials in the federal government. Several human rights advocates have been vocal in protesting against the conditions these refugees are forced to endure inside the average federal detention center.
These conditions have caused some of the immigrant refugees inside the detention centers to resort to extreme forms of protest, such as suicide and hunger strikes. There have also been complaints concerning the amount of time these immigrants have been detained, and the remoteness of the sites where these detention centers are located. According to a U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement representative, the conditions at each of the three detention centers is under investigation.
A national security threat notwithstanding, the federal agency has stated that it will now refrain from detaining mothers who are accompanied by children. Generally speaking, the first refugees to be released by ICE are those who have been under federal custody for the longest period. Agents have already begun reviewing older cases in order to determine if the individual should continue to be detained while the immigration case is reviewed.
Immigrants who feel their rights have been violated by federal or state officials may want to speak with an attorney. Legal counsel may be able to assist immigrants who are interested in remaining in the country on a claim of asylum. Immigrants who are curious about how their current status could be affected by new laws may also want to obtain legal advice.
Source:Buzzfeed, “U.S. Starts To Release Undocumented Immigrant Mothers, Children Seeking Asylum“, Adolfo Flores, July 14, 2015