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Americans’ views on immigration’s effects on workers shifting

On Behalf of | Oct 10, 2016 | Employment Immigration |

Many things can have considerable impacts on individuals from other countries who are seeking to work in America. One is what ultimately happens in their employment immigration case. These cases can get incredibly complicated, with the issues that come up in them varying greatly given things like the type of work a person is pursuing and their unique personal circumstances. So, when trying to get permission to work in the U.S., a foreign worker may desire a skilled immigration lawyer’s assistance.

Another thing that can have impacts on those who wish to immigrate to the U.S. for employment reasons is the views the American public has on the effects of immigration. For one, these views can affect immigration policy. Such policy has significant ramifications on what kinds of opportunities and challenges are present for those going through the employment immigration process. Also, such views could impact what life is like, both at work and out in the community, for foreign workers who are granted permission to live and work in the United States.

One concern some in the U.S. public may have regarding immigration is that it could have negative effects on workers. However, as we noted in a post not that long ago, recent research has pointed to immigration having little-to-no impact on the job prospects of U.S. workers and having positive impacts on the economy as a whole in the long run.

A recent survey indicates that the views of the American public have been shifting towards being more in line with the findings of such research. Compared to a similar survey a decade ago, the portion of surveyed individuals who thought immigration was bad for U.S. workers dropped, from 55 percent down to 45 percent. Meanwhile the portion of surveyed individuals who felt immigration was good for American workers rose, from 28 percent up to 42 percent.

The study did not look into what caused this shift. Why do you think the views of the American public have changed this way over the past decade?

One wonders what impacts this shift in views is having on immigrant workers and will ultimately have on U.S. employment immigration policy.

Source: Los Angeles Times, “Americans are feeling better about immigrants’ economic effect — but Republicans aren’t, survey shows,” Don Lee, Oct. 6, 2016


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