While some people in California may think of illegal immigration as being primarily driven by workers from Mexico coming into the United States in search of economic opportunity, statistics actually show that the many immigrants are from Central America and seeking asylum. The United States has a legal obligation to not turn asylum-seekers away. Most are coming from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.
In 2014, an initial plan was put into place to transfer women and children coming across the border to detention centers. It was believed that they would be processed quickly and sent back to their home countries. However, over 86 percent had a credible fear of returning to their country. This meant that they were able to go through the entire asylum-seeking process.
The three main countries that people are coming from all have very high homicide rates and are considered among the world’s most violent countries outside of war zones. Advocates for immigrants have pointed out that because the situation in these countries is desperate for many people, the flow of asylum seekers is unlikely to be reduced. The U.S. Homeland Security Secretary said that the United States would have to invest in Central America over the long term in order to stem immigration.
People who are dealing with immigration problems, such as seeking asylum, fighting deportation or other issues, might want to consult an attorney. A person who faces persecution in their home country for religious, political or some other reason may be eligible to remain in the country as a refugee. Since immigration law is complex, the person may want legal counsel. Furthermore, a person who does not qualify for asylum might still be able to remain in the country for other reasons such as having certain family members in the United States.