The death of Molly Tibbets at the hands of an immigrant farmhand is a tragedy. Putting closure to a disappearance in the small town of Brooklyn, Iowa, had lasted much of the summer, the man who admitted to killing her led police to the location in the cornfield where he left the body.
The president spoke to a crowd the night the news of her murder being solved, citing it as another example of why the country needs stronger border security. Soon thereafter, Donald Trump, Jr. wrote an editorial for the Des Moines Register railing against the Democrats radical ideology regarding immigrants. With news of the president’s former campaign chairman and personal attorney each convicted of multiple crimes, some believe that the administration was simply trying to move the spotlight away from this damaging news.
Father speaks out
Rob Tibbets published his own op-ed piece the following day in the same paper. A man with a Latina stepdaughter and loving grandparent to her children, his message was that Molly Tibbets is not a pawn in someone’s political agenda, and she believed that Trump’s administration was “profoundly racist.” He went on to apologize to the Hispanic community, calling the murder no more of a representation of Hispanics than white supremacists representing all whites. He added: “As an American, I have one tenet: to respect every citizen of the world and actively engage in the ongoing pursuit to form a more perfect union.”
Immigrants have rights
Regardless of what the government says and how it acts, legal and illegal immigrants have rights in this country. If you or a loved one has been detained, treated poorly by government officials or is involved in an immigration dispute, it is advisable to contact an attorney with experience handling immigration issues.