The famed Pew Research Center polled 2,002 adults who lean either Republican or Democrat last June. It found that top issue in the minds of voters going into this midterm election. With 20 percent of voters wanting to hear about candidate’s policies regarding immigration, this number is higher than such topics as the economy or health care.
The Trump administration’s treatment of asylum seekers, particularly separating children from parents has been a large factor for some, although many Republican-leaning voters are supportive of the president’s policies regarding stronger borders and work visas. Democrats, on the other hand, envision a new policy where immigrants work toward gaining citizenship.
Balancing major immigration issues
Both parties seem to agree on what the issues are, but disagree on their priority or solution. The breakdown of support is:
- Better border security and stronger law enforcement (Democrat 5 percent, Republican 38 percent)
- Create a way for immigrants who came here illegally to become citizens (Republican 13 percent, Democrat 51 percent)
- Both equally important (Democrat 43 percent, Republican 48 percent)
California requires employers to offer paid time off to vote
California is a state that offers up two hours off paid leave to vote. Many businesses even encourage legal voters to take the time to vote on Tuesday, November 6. It is, however, recommended that employees let management know ahead of time if they need to take time off from work to do it. It may also be possible to work out some other accommodation with their bosses if arrangements are made ahead of time.